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Transitioning from Canterbury Bankstown LTS Program to Harlee Elite Squads

Congratulations on completing the Canterbury Bankstown Learn to Swim Program! We look forward to seeing you and your children in the Harlee Elite squad program and have created this document to aid the registration process and answer any questions you may have along the way. Please have a read through before you enrol your child/children, and if you still have any questions please have a chat to one of our coaches at the pool or contact management.


Q. How do I enrol?


A. Enrolment can be done either online or with Harlee Elite coaches. If you are completing the online enrolment form please complete both swimmer and parent details otherwise, we will need you to complete a new form upon commencement.


Q. When can my child/children start?


A. Swimmers who are progressing from LTS are welcome to commence as soon as the school term is over. Where possible please try and communicate with coaches at the pool so they know when to expect you.


Q. How do I know that you got my enrolment?


A. We typically don’t contact you about your enrolment (if completed online) unless we need to contact you. The main reasons we contact you regarding enrolment will be if we need to know the days your child/children are swimming in advance (if some days are already full), or if we need further information. However, if you haven’t heard anything and you are still not sure please feel free to contact management.


Q. Do you have time off during the holidays?


A. Our squads run all year holidays included. That being said, we tend to cut back over the Christmas/New Year period. Any changes to training schedules are sent out via email (and text messages when required) as soon as possible. This is why we ask that you keep all contact information up to date.


Q. What if we go on holiday, need to take a break etc.?


A. We are very understanding of families who want to take holidays for extended periods of time, illness and injury, religion and culture, schooling commitments etc. and as a result breaks in training may be required on occasion. It is our request that management and coaches are kept up to date so billing can be temporarily stopped when necessary, providing enough notice is given. Swimmers who stop turning up to training and don’t respond to communications risk losing their places in squads upon return.  


Q. What sessions are available?


A. swimmers progressing from Learn to Swim are typically placed into Development squad (unless told otherwise). Development sessions are available at all 3 of our centres, Birrong, Revesby (Max Parker) and Roselands. Please have a look at our timetables for sessions and times on offer.


Q. What equipment is needed?


A. All development swimmers are required to have fins, goggles, water bottle, kick board and pull buoy as a minimum. We also recommend that they have a mesh equipment back to store equipment and swim caps to keep hair out of way when swimming and to retain body heat during cooler weather.


Q. What is the cost?


A. Cost is dependant on the squad your child/children is in. More information can be located on our Information Pack.


Q. When can i commence?


A. As soon as all paperwork and enrolment submission is succesful from our management team!


We look forward to welcoming you to Harlee Elite!

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