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Harlee Elite COVID - 19 Update – March 17th, 2020

Writer's picture: Alex ClarkeAlex Clarke

Dear Parents and Swimmers,

Following our previous email, which was sent out on Sunday afternoon, we wanted to provide you all with an update based on the movements of Canterbury-Bankstown Council as of this afternoon.

Effective as of 7:00pm Tuesday 17th March 2020, all aquatic facilities within Canterbury-

Bankstown Council are closed to public until further notice.

Squad sessions will remain on offer at Max Parker (Revesby) and Roselands for ALL Harlee Elite squad members.

These sessions have only been approved Monday through to Friday both mornings and afternoons.

Saturday morning sessions will NOT be going ahead until further notice.

Our Birrong squads will unfortunately be ceased until further notice.

Please refer to the Revesby and Roselands timetables on the website for session times. Please note that this is a decision that was made by Canterbury-Bankstown Council and not Harlee Elite Management.

To minimise the risk of COVID-19 or any other circulating illnesses whilst at either centre, Harlee Elite alongside Canterbury-Bankstown Council have put the following practices into place until told otherwise.

• Utilisation of all available pool space to increase the physical/social distances between swimmers.

• No private lessons will go ahead unless they have been approved by Harlee Elite Management.

• Frequent reviewing and assessment of the current situation and adopting new measures as required.

We ask that you remain vigilant and limit your interaction with the community and Harlee Elite squads if:

• You or a family member has had ‘close contact’ with a confirmed case of COVID-19. ‘Close contact’ is defined as having greater than 15 minutes face-to-face contact or the sharing of a closed space for more than two hours with a confirmed case.

• You or a family member is unwell with cold or flu like symptoms (including any or a combination of the following: fever, breathing difficulties such as breathlessness, cough, sore throat, fatigue or tiredness).

• You or a family member is currently ‘self-isolating’ due to suspected COVID-19 infection.

• You or a family member is currently being tested or has been confirmed as having COVID-19

• If you or any of your family members have recently returned from overseas (any country) in the last 14 days

If any of the above points are relevant to you, we trust that you will be proactive and take all possible precautions to keep your family and our squad members safe during this time.

Additionally, we request that everyone continues to practice high levels of hygiene health (including washing hands and sanitising) and avoid physical contact (including shaking hands and hugging) to assist with disease prevention and management.

For further, up to date information as it comes, please refer to the following websites:

• NSW Health

• Australian Government Department of Health

• Canterbury-Bankstown Council

• Canterbury-Bankstown Leisure and Aquatics

We will keep you updated as new information comes in. Please don’t forget to check our social media channels in conjunction with your emails for updates. We understand that many of you are frustrated and disappointed, especially off the back of the cancellation of school swimming and Nationals, and the postponing of the upcoming Junior State Championships – we are too. The best thing you can do now is keep a positive mindset and keep going for next summer. Despite this, I would like to congratulate all of our families of swimmers on their dedication, focus and achievements to date.

Should you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact myself, Sarah, Tony or Ally.

Kind Regards,

Alex Clarke

Head Coach and Managing Director | Harlee Elite

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